Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jacqui and Brice's Wedding

That was the "Second Day" shoot and I can't wait to see more!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Top Ten: Preschool

I did it.

I completed my first week as a teacher to an awesome group of 1.5-2 year olds. Thank God it was only 3 days long. That being said, I really can't wait to go back to work on Monday and I REALLY can't wait to see how much these little ones grow over the next 9 months.

That being said here are my Top 10 observations on Preschool:

1. Sticky is a permanent feeling.

2. Parents please think again about putting jelly on your kid's sandwich! It doesn't make it in your child's belly! It does, however, make it on the walls, tables, chairs, toys, floor, clothes, hair, etc. Now imagine 12 kids with jelly! That's 24 sticky hands!

3. Nap time does not equal teacher break. Nap time = wipe tables, disinfect toys, wipe down changing table, sweep floors, empty sippy cups, put art work in folders, pat backs, rock children, eat lunch, potty (for the ONLY time in the day), set out next round of diapers, etc.

4. If your kids come home dirty it means we did our job. Your child played HARD!

5. When your child starts having Bowel Movements that represent a full grown man's, it's time to start potty training.

6. No your child does not NEED their pacifier as much as you need them to need it.

7. All 2 year olds are like the characters on "Jackass". They will try ANYTHING!

8. Snot comes in all sorts of colors...even ones you wouldn't expect.

9. Hair bows don't stay in.

10. The "David" books are can give a teacher 5 minutes of sanity.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The House: Before and Some What After and Hope to SELL!

BUMP:  Next month will mark year 7 as homeowners.  We don't want to be anymore!  Not because of the house but because we are moving to Tyler!  Check out what we've done with the place over the years!  

Carl and I have been SLOWLY but SURELY making changes to the house. Hopefully you can see the difference. While we are not done yet at least we have a start!

The Front Entry Way:


(We have a new purple front door, a better paint job and a gnome friend. We lack new flooring!)

Living Room:


More After




Guest Room:

More After

Hall Bathroom:





More After:

We haven't done much with our bed and bath. We have a "man cave" that needs a litttle work and the kitchen could get some more love. We are just waiting for the funds to allow for more changes!

Monday, June 22, 2009


That's right. Right now I have no job.

Oh. Don't feel sorry for me. I didn't have a good job to begin with.

Oh sure I had been there for 4.5 years. But it was time for me to go. It was no longer a healthy environment to be in. Not healthy at all. For anyone really.
Let me tell you it wasn't pretty.

But I am much better off because I deserve better.

Right now better is in my parent's pool with Tilly.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Something about Summer

Summer is back and the only way I can tell is because our AC is on the fritz at the office. I am waiting for the boss to say we can come in cut-offs and flip flops tomorrow. A girl can dream. I miss those long summer days as a kid. I wish I could take back every utterance of "Mom, I am bored." What was I thinking.
So far this "summer" (it isn't official by the calendar's standards) Carl and I have gone to Stephenville, TX for my cousin's wedding. You may know Stephenville as the place where Jewel and her hubby Ty live or you may know it as the town that was abducted by aliens a few years back. I didn't get any pictures of the wedding but I did get pictures of the Dublin, TX Dr. Pepper Plant and Dino Valley in Glenrose, TX. If you are in the area I suggest you go to both. It's fun and CHEAP!

Carl wanted to know if he could keep him.

Yup. That is an actual dinosaur track. Really. Really.
This was my gift to Carl for our 2nd anniversary. No, I didn't get him a huge DP. I got him tickets to go on the plant tour (actually my uncle Randy ended up paying for everyone) and buy anything he wanted at Doc's Soda Shop!

The only other big event for the summer SO FAR...was BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL! Again. I didn't bring a camera. I had to be at work at 10 AM but I did manage to eat blueberry pancakes and scope out the festival before going in to work. I went with the usual suspects: Kelly, Ryan, Andrew, Britney and Cullen. They stayed long enough to be swimming in their own sweat.
Here is Drew! Isn't he so big?

I am amazed EVERYDAY at his ability to sponge EVERYTHING.
Here is a small list of his latest "tricks":
  • He can show you his muscles and make a face of one who is lifting something heavy
  • He can say: Mama, Dada, Bubble, Bok (block), Ba (ball), Bath, Buh Bye....he loves 'b' words
  • He will "swim" on command.
  • When you ask him where his nose is he will point to his ear.
  • He thinks he's really good a the fake cry. It makes people laugh.
  • He says 'hi' and 'buh bye' to ANYONE.
  • He loves to dance.
  • He will kick his legs in a fit of excitement for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  • He can growl, blow kisses, wave hi and bye, attempt to blow bubbles in the pool, flirt.
And that's just all I can think of right now. Cool Kid.
Finally I can't forget about my Tilly. I had to add this picture of her after a long day of digging.

I tried to tell her that the dirt on her nose really gives it away!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Two Years!

Carl and I have completed year two of holy matrimony!

I can't believe it! Like many things it feels like forever and yesterday we were at our wedding day. What a year it has been. Just some of the highlights I can remember:

  • 1st Anniversary celebration in Austin Texas
  • Going to Memphis to see Dave Matthew's Band, Graceland, Rock and Soul Museum and eating ribs at Rendezvous
  • Carl's first Hallmark Family Reunion in Texas Hill Country
  • Carl graduating from SFASU
  • Carl getting a job with Boy Scouts of America.

It's been a sweet ride. It has been an amazing journey! I am so proud of the man I married. (As I type he is cleaning out his "Man Room" I mean who is this new graduated grown up guy?!?!) Can't wait to see what year 3 brings!

Oh PS. He even did good on the anniversary gift! Check it out below! She is my new favorite designer. I first saw her on and I fell in love. Now I have my own necklace! Check her out at!She has awesome promotions where part of her sales benefits a family in need.
Can't get much better than that!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Adventurous Eater.

I love it when my office comes to see what I am having for lunch because it smells so good! The best part is when I am eating something that the average public wouldn't especially find appealing. It makes me feel worldly.

What made me feel like I was eating outside of a white stucco building with blue linens on the coast of Greece?

Lamb and Spinach Pitas with Feta cheese and a Lemon Pepper Yogurt dip.

Worldly I tell you. Worldly and YUM.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I know what you are thinking....

A ton of posts at once!  That's right.  I have a little time this morning before I head to work and my husband left his laptop at home (that NEVER happens).  I just recently decided that Carl and I aren't showing our true colors when it comes to our home's decor.  I have either taken what others were throwing out or I would buy something cheap just to put on the walls.  

It wasn't "US".

So I had a garage sale and sold it.   

Then I got really ambitious!  I decided to paint.  I really like how it came out.  The Dots are over our couch in the living room and I will be making throw pillows that will match.  The idea is to be clean and contemporary!  

Easter in Pictures. Very bad pictures....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

For the Earth and the People In It!

It's no secret that Carl and I are trying to do things to better our world. We have a LONG way to go before we become totally "green" people but that doesn't stop us from taking steps towards "greener" pasture. Now we are going to be taking those steps in something stylishly green (i love making up new words to my husband's dismay) and not to mention a GREAT cause.

We are now each owners of a pair of Tom's.

And now so are 2 other children.

Check out our shoes and then check out Tom's site!

I know they are cute, right? Sport some Tom's this summer!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Pray for Stellan

Stellan needs your prayers. This has become my favorite blog for a few months now! Mck Mama and Prince Charming had thier 4 child about 4 months ago (Stellan) who was born healed of the SVT that ailed his body inutero. It seems the SVT has reared it's ugly head. Check out her blog and pray!

Monday, March 16, 2009

BUMP: What I Miss....

Today marks year 5 without her.


Can you believe it’s been four years since you left this world for a place much better? I can’t believe it. In fact I believe it less today than four years ago. It’s funny how grief works itself out. It’s the most random things that really make me wish you were still here and that wish is growing instead of fading. I feel like I have to remember and that I am grateful that I have so much to remember.

The Raccoon Soap Dish
The smell of Violets
Your Vanity
Cotton White Hair
Opening Christmas presents in the front room at 7 Park Place.
White Pepper
“Oh Gad”
Nail polish on the Lazy Susan at the kitchen table.
The way you pulled me toward you while we would nap on your bed
Randy Gnome
The powder in the yellow container
Pecan and Chocolate Pie
SHOES! (Your gold, silver and bronze sneakers)
Braums Milk
The maddest you ever got at Evan and me.
Saturdays in Richardson while Mom was with Mr. Huddleston
The smell of leather seats, cigarettes and Kleenex in a hot summer car
Piano music
Your handwriting
Your letters that always mentioned the weather
Shopping trips and lunch at Christina’s
Calling you to take me to school because a pumpkin was thrown through the windshield of my car. Did you know Mom was upset that I called you? She didn’t want me to worry you.
You calling Carl a big Teddy Bear
The way you and Lucky had matching hair color and moles
farting dining room chairs
Listening to Chipmunks Christmas on the record player
Coffee mugs with birds and lipstick stains.

There really is so much more. I just can’t think of them right now. That scares me. Sometimes the memories just come to me. Most of the time I smell something like coffee or violets and it takes me back. Funny enough I usually go back to the Richardson house. I don’t know why. The last time I was with Tyler and Rachel was the first time I realized they didn’t even know the Richardson house! I told them all about it. I told them how much fun Evan and I would have exploring the upper floor and going through Lisa’s things while she was away at college. I just bought Caress body wash and it’s the weirdest thing, every time I use it I feel like I am in the upstairs bathroom staring at that silly raccoon soap dish. I have no idea the connection, but I like it.

By the way, it’s unusually warm and sunny today. In fact I walked to lunch.

Love Always,

Friday, February 27, 2009

Goals for 2009:It's Not Easy Being Green

Baby steps.  

All I can say is we have taken baby steps in our 2009 goal to go green. Surprisingly Carl is actually game with the changes so far.  Going green is a fairly new passion of mine.  While I grew up in a house that recycled I was known to still throw cans in the trash out of total laziness.  My mom was "Green" before it was so popular!  We grew up using vinegar and water as our cleaning supplies.    That being said it was only when my friend Kelly went through her pregnancy that I discovered the cloth diaper comeback.  It made me curious about what I could do to help the Earth before I have children.

Green before 2009
Carl and I were doing things that are considered "green" before we had a conscious effort in our "green" pursuit.

1.  Use dishes instead of paper plates
2.  Use fans before the AC.  Blankets before the Heat.
3.  Use our dishwasher (people are surprised to learn that it's more green than hand washing)
4.  Buy Organic (unfortunately we don't buy as much as we would like)
5.  Pack our Lunches (this is really more because of lack of cash)
6.  Wash a full load of laundry with cold water and clean out the lint trap after each wash.
7.  Buy less STUFF (again lack of extra money helps)
8.  Recycle cans
9.  Use Water Filter pitcher. (we have only bought one pack of bottled water in our marriage and it was to prepare for Hurricane Ike.  Even then I recycled our milk jugs for non drinking water.)

Carl and I have achieved quite a few of these goals.  Some are yet to be!  

1.  Cloth no more paper towels.
2.  Buy local produce
3.  Replace lights with CFL lighting
4.  Put certain outlets on a timer (to slay Vampire energy)
5.  Start buying organic and making organic cleaners for the house
6.  Replace our doors
7.  Join a CSA
8.  Buy Cage Free Eggs
9.  Use glass instead of plastic food storage.
10.  Buy Bamboo linens
11.  Have a garage sale!
12.  Hang laundry

The Future Still
There are TONS more that Carl and I want to do in our future but here are the top 5 for years to come.  

1.  Cloth diapers....I know right!  Have your negative remarks!  I am going to do it.  (Carl's apprehensive about it but I asked him if he was REALLY even going to change disposable!)
2.  Homemade Baby Food.  Yep.  That too!  I have a huge desire to do these things for our babies who are merely "twinkles in our eyes" right now!  
3.   Buy Hybrid (this is a while into the babies will probably come first)
4.  Build a "Green" home.
5.  Garden

It's Not Easy Being Green
There are a few things I am not ready to give up yet!  Maybe someday but for now I will try and use restraint!

1.  Decorative napkins (I have an obsession with cute napkins)
2.  Ziploc (sometimes easy wins)
3.  Buy New.  (There are just somethings I cannot buy as a hand me down)
4.  Disposable Tampons (come on now!  Did you think I was THAT crunchy)
5.  Holiday paper plates (it's a weakness)
6.  Using the dryer as a fluffer.  (OOPS.  I can't help it.)
7.  I know there are more and I put them here just in case someone catches me being not so earth friendly!


Check out The Little Green Book: 365 Ways to Love the Planet by Joseph R. Provey and Owen Lockwood.  Better yet, check it out of the Library!  It's better for the Earth!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Beautiful Baby

I entered Andrew into the Regis and Kelly Beautiful Baby Contest with the help of his mom Kelly! Andrew wasn't very patient but we got some good shots!
Runner Up: Shows how sometimes his hair is RED!
Funny expression.
2nd Place: My personal favorite! But it cuts off his head.

THE WINNER: Beautiful Baby!

Do you think he will win?

Monday, February 2, 2009

Bites Heal

Andrew screamed through the Super Bowl last night. It may be an ear infection. I felt so bad for him AND his parents. I got to leave. They didn't.

I can wait a little longer before having a kid of my own.

Thank you Andrew for reminding me!

SIDE NOTE: Andrew was asleep when I left....I just hope he stayed that way!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bit by the Baby Bug

This is not new! I've been bitten before. (Say that three times fast!) Like when I was 4! I've wanted babies as long as I can remember. I was the child still playing with dolls long after all my friends had discovered the telephone. I know this is what I am supposed to do. God created me to be a mom.

That being said...Carl and I are not ready to be parents!

I know right now my baby bites are just a desire for the future. I want to be pregnant when I can fully enjoy every moment without worrying that we can't afford the health care. I want to act like we can't afford to give our child whatever he or she wants but I don't want to actually not be able to afford whatever my child wants. I want to be able to raise my child in an environmentally friendly home (WE ARE NOT READY FOR THIS ONE BUT WE ARE WORKING TOWARDS THIS). I want my husband to be able to be a "real life" adult for a while without having to be a daddy! I want to announce to my husband that we are having a baby "I Love Lucy" style not waving the pee stick in front of his face yelling "Now what in the hell are we going to do!?!?!?"

It must sound like the baby bug hasn't bitten me at all! But it has. I really want to get my body ready so that when my husband and I decide that the timing is as right for us as it's ever going to be I will be as healthy as I can be for a growing baby. We are also taking measures now to prepare our home to be more green for our offspring. I dream about what our babies will look like. I dream about the new traditions we will start as a family. I even dream about how I will discipline our children! All in due time. All in due time.

In the mean time....

I have Andrew!

And I can't get enough!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Here are highlights of my last week in picture!

I did laundry.

I saw old friends! I can't wait to see Lauren a lot more often (wink, wink)!

I saw new friends. (These pretty girls belong to Clint and Amber Smith)

We ate lemons! (Andrew loves lemons)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Nine Goals for 09

1. Watch My Husband Graduate.

2. Pay off all debts and save more!

3. Be more GREEN! (Recycle, use less throw aways, change my cleaning habits)

4. Find more fulfulling work.

5. Give more to my church. (in the way of service and tithing)

6. Work on being less selfish and a more compassionate friend.

7. Have a serious discussion with my husband about babies!

8. Work on getting more in touch with family. (the Hankes and the DeFords)

9. Declutter.