Saturday, March 5, 2016


I just can't anymore. I get it. Everyone wants to be independently wealthy and get out of debt. Me too. I am one of you. I sell Young Living oils. (Seriously, contact me if you want more information) So I kindly keep scrolling when I see you selling your miracle products and I even occasionally pause to look at the clear "before" pictures and absurdly grainy "after". But this week I've been inundated with a product I can give my child that will ensure she gets all her fruits and veggies. Every mom wants that! So when I saw it again this morning I did my research.
Holy heck! It's not good! The company It Works is selling what they call It Works Green Chews. All the moms claim their kids love it because it tastes like starbursts but they are getting all their fruits and veggies. In two miniscule chewy squares. There is a reason it tastes like starbursts! IT IS STARBURSTS....ACTUALLY ITS WORSE!
I compared the labels of this "healthy" snack to starbursts and this is what I found.

That’s right. 2 Starbursts actually have less calories and carbs than the "healthier" green chews. Looking at the ingredient list there are 2 different sugars and MSG listed first on the It Works Green Chews and the fruits and veg are labeled 5th and as flavoring. As you can see above there are only 500MG of fruits and veggies or .5 G. That means for every 3g of sugar your kid is only getting .5 of the "good stuff". At least on the Starburst label you get fruit juice listed 3rd in the ingredient list. The fruit and veggies make up so little of the chews that it doesn't even register as a daily value on the label. When I asked an sales person for It Works about the ingredients they still said they feel better about giving this to their child over an APPLE!!! AN APPLE! I can't. I can't even.  

I have always had problems with food and weight. A struggle I don't want my child to have to go through. When I see people advertise healthy food for children and it's false it makes me shake with anger because another generation of people will be raised with a false sense of what is healthy. For that reason, I cannot be passive and just look the other way while you hock your goods.

Thanks for letting me rant. I must go and give my child an apple now. Or better yet. Some Starbursts.