Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Month 4

My Baby Girl,

This month has been so fun!  You are really starting to show a little personality!  You smile all the time even if I have to wake you up from a nap.  Your eyes open and you give a big smile.  I love getting you from your crib in the morning.  There is nothing more satisfying then you kicking your legs and smiling with joy.  You are a pretty content child when you are with me but you've been giving the girls in the nursery at church a hard time.  You've even been giving your own Daddy a hard time.  You seem to only want Mom!  On one hand I love it!  On the other, it breaks my heart and it made me feel guilty for going to Hobby Lobby for 45 minutes this last Sat!  I only leave you for 2 hrs a week,1 hour on Sunday mornings and 1 hour on Wednesday evenings.  Both times it's at the church nursery!

When we are at home you love to lay on a blanket in the floor and play with your toys.  You are pretty content for up to 45 minutes.  Just enough time for me to get some chores done.  We have really been trying to get a routine down and we don't have a consistent one just yet.  You are pretty flexible with my time changes for your naps and meals.  My goal for this month is to get a good nap routine going.  Right now you take your morning nap in my arms and it's usually no more than 45 minutes.  Your afternoon nap is in your swing after you play for a little bit at your 2PM meal.  Then put you in bed after your last feed and you usually play until you fall asleep.  It's pretty rare if I have to rock you a little to calm your little active body.

This month your Daddy has been gone a ton with work so you've really missed seeing him.  Really, he's missed seeing you.  I am not sure you've noticed much.  I hope he will be coming home in time for you to go to bed this month.  We've started a good night time routine of reading and singing songs.  Hopefully your Daddy will be able to join us more for this.  I know he really wants too!  

At your Dr's appointment this month Dr. Davis said you look great.  He isn't worried about your petite stature.  He did however want to remeasure your head.  Alas, it is THAT big!  You got the Hanke head.  It's pretty impressive how well you hold up that big noggin with your little body!  We are keeping an eye out for the bump on your forehead.  Dr. Davis doesn't think it's anything to worry about, just a cyst, but we will see if it grows in the next few months.  It will be interesting to see if it's still there when you are older.  Your heart murmur that was discovered last month ain't no thing!  You are a healthy little girl!

We love you so very much and can't wait to see you grow even more this month!!!!

Weight: 12.11 lbs (10th percentile) 
Length: 24 inches (26th percentile)

Head: 17.6 inches (97th percentile)
Eating: 7AM, 10:30AM, 2PM, 5:30PM, 9PM (give or take 30 min)  Only pump 2X a week.
Bedtime: 9:30-10 PM
Rise:7-8 AM
Naps: Morning nap is still iffy.  3-5PM
Diapers: You wear your Fuzi Bunz cloth diapers so well!  Size 1 at night but only until we run out of our gifted diapers.
Clothes: 0-3  Fit well.  You are still in NB shorts and have a few NB outfits you can still fit in.  You don't fit in shoes.  Not even the 6 week old shoes.  You've tried some 3-6 months but they are BIG!
Favorites: Owl taggies made by Lolli, Bumbo, Baby Einstein block with links.
Latest tricks: Belly laugh when I say "BOO", repeat sounds, awesome at tummy time, grabbing toys and putting your paci in and out of your mouth.