Monday, June 22, 2009


That's right. Right now I have no job.

Oh. Don't feel sorry for me. I didn't have a good job to begin with.

Oh sure I had been there for 4.5 years. But it was time for me to go. It was no longer a healthy environment to be in. Not healthy at all. For anyone really.
Let me tell you it wasn't pretty.

But I am much better off because I deserve better.

Right now better is in my parent's pool with Tilly.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Something about Summer

Summer is back and the only way I can tell is because our AC is on the fritz at the office. I am waiting for the boss to say we can come in cut-offs and flip flops tomorrow. A girl can dream. I miss those long summer days as a kid. I wish I could take back every utterance of "Mom, I am bored." What was I thinking.
So far this "summer" (it isn't official by the calendar's standards) Carl and I have gone to Stephenville, TX for my cousin's wedding. You may know Stephenville as the place where Jewel and her hubby Ty live or you may know it as the town that was abducted by aliens a few years back. I didn't get any pictures of the wedding but I did get pictures of the Dublin, TX Dr. Pepper Plant and Dino Valley in Glenrose, TX. If you are in the area I suggest you go to both. It's fun and CHEAP!

Carl wanted to know if he could keep him.

Yup. That is an actual dinosaur track. Really. Really.
This was my gift to Carl for our 2nd anniversary. No, I didn't get him a huge DP. I got him tickets to go on the plant tour (actually my uncle Randy ended up paying for everyone) and buy anything he wanted at Doc's Soda Shop!

The only other big event for the summer SO FAR...was BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL! Again. I didn't bring a camera. I had to be at work at 10 AM but I did manage to eat blueberry pancakes and scope out the festival before going in to work. I went with the usual suspects: Kelly, Ryan, Andrew, Britney and Cullen. They stayed long enough to be swimming in their own sweat.
Here is Drew! Isn't he so big?

I am amazed EVERYDAY at his ability to sponge EVERYTHING.
Here is a small list of his latest "tricks":
  • He can show you his muscles and make a face of one who is lifting something heavy
  • He can say: Mama, Dada, Bubble, Bok (block), Ba (ball), Bath, Buh Bye....he loves 'b' words
  • He will "swim" on command.
  • When you ask him where his nose is he will point to his ear.
  • He thinks he's really good a the fake cry. It makes people laugh.
  • He says 'hi' and 'buh bye' to ANYONE.
  • He loves to dance.
  • He will kick his legs in a fit of excitement for Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
  • He can growl, blow kisses, wave hi and bye, attempt to blow bubbles in the pool, flirt.
And that's just all I can think of right now. Cool Kid.
Finally I can't forget about my Tilly. I had to add this picture of her after a long day of digging.

I tried to tell her that the dirt on her nose really gives it away!