Friday, March 1, 2013

9 months

Baby Girl,  

I want to cry!  I cannot believe you are 9 months old!  Where has the time gone???  I can barely remember from month to month what all you have done and learned because it's so much!  I just want to slow it down just a little!  It's getting harder and harder to watch you grow up and out of clothes and toys.  The only thing that makes me not crawl in a hole and cry is that there is hope that one day we will give you a sibling and mommy another baby :)  

Let's see...we left off with our trip to Children's which you can read about here.  Your blood work did come back with a few questions.  The Doc at Children's doesn't seem concerned but when we go for your 9 month check up I am going to ask Dr. Davis about it.  Other than that you are still a very healthy girl.  I thank God for that!  For being a healthy girl you sure have racked up the medical bills.  I am sure we will have them paid off in time for you to go to college :)

This month you are doing so many new things!  You've started pulling up but you aren't very confident about it.  Once your up though you can navigate our wrap around couch and even make the few steps back and forth between the couch and coffee table.  Mom and Dad are learning to really clean up our piles because if we don't you make sure to sweep it all off the coffee table.  You are master of waving good bye.  If you aren't shy you even say it!  You are also learning high five and that each nose makes a unique noise.  You like to check everyone's nose "noise" by tapping their noses.  You even make a noise if we tap yours.  It's so stinking cute!  

I can't even name all the food you can eat anymore.  You have now tried salmon and chicken.  You eat EVERYTHING we give you.  Tonight you ate cilantro and couldn't get enough!  Everything I tell you!  It's funny because you still like to eat baby food too!  Its handy for me when we are out and about.  If we are eating out, you pretty much eat off of my plate which is my new diet plan.  We still haven't tried any red meats and it may be a while because we really don't eat much of that at home.  And lets face it.  Diapers change after red meat!  

Just this week I have started to ween you down to 4 breast feedings a day.  You have tolerated it pretty well.  If you act like you want to nurse I still let you, I just don't offer it because of the clock.  The last 2 weeks I have and still have a milk blister.  It hurts!  I just have to wait until it pops!  I hope it happens soon because I think it's clogging a milk duct...which hurts even more!  

Finally, this month you have really started with the facial expressions!  You are a funny girl and you know it!  You started mimicking your friend Sarah and her "freeze" face.  You have this nose crinkle smile thing you do when you KNOW you are funny.  You have this flirty face for certain men in your life. You give open mouth kisses to anyone who wants one.  I love seeing you be happy.  It's all any parent wants for their kid!

I love you with all of my heart.

Your Mom 

Weight: 18 lbs.  Not sure I believe this one.  She wouldn't stop moving on the scale.  2 lb jump...hmm.
Length: 25.9 inches.  No growth.  We have to watch this one...kidneys may be in question...again...

Head: 18.2  Every time I think of Chandler on Friends, " Big head. Big head. Big head."
Eating: As of Feb 25: 7AM Nurse, 9AM Breakfast, 11AM Nurse, 12 Lunch, 3PM Nurse, 6 PM Dinner, 8 PM Nurse  Forget that mess.  I nurse when she wants me to.  IT could be 4 times or up to 6 times.  
Bedtime: 8:30
Rise:7 AM
Naps: 45 min morning nap around 10.  1-3 Nap (that's what we are hoping for anyway!)
Diapers: We love our cloth diapers!  Size 2 at night.
Clothes: 3-6 month clothes and 6-9.  I just pulled out the 6-9 month clothes 2/25
Favorites: Valentine's taggie blanket from Lolli and Pops, Balls, Easter Eggs, 
Latest tricks: waving bye bye, saying bye bye, high five, showing the number one, touching noses, taking all the toys out of her box, "crawling" by using her feet and hands to drag herself, pulling up, cruising, eating trash, finding outlets to gnaw on!