Monday, May 27, 2013

On the Eve of One

Dear Gentry,

For the last 365 nights I've have nursed you and put you to bed. Over the last 365 nights, the routine has morphed, the bed time slowly got earlier and earlier as you began to sleep through the night, the pajamas got bigger and bigger as you grew at your own pace, and your crib has gotten lower and lower as you have become more adventurous but one thing hasn't changed. I scoop you up from nursing you in our bed, I kiss you on your sweet little head and whisper, "Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, and most importantly God loves you."  Then I say a silent prayer of Thanksgiving as I walk from our bedroom to yours.    

Tonight's routine was ever so slightly different.

Tonight I put you to bed as an 11 month, 4 week old.  

Tonight I put you to bed in your clothes because birthdays are exhausting!  
Tonight you went to bed without a fuss and without your pacifier.  
Tonight I noticed your feet have grown and your hair has grown in what seems to be only in the time I put you in bed a few hours ago.
Tonight you smiled at me in your sleep as I took these pictures with a blinding flash.
Tonight I can't seem to stop checking in on you, in fear that I won't be able to recognize you in the morning.


Tomorrow you will wake up a 1 year old.
Tomorrow our routine will still be the same.
Tomorrow I will give you a cup of almond milk for the first time. 
Tomorrow you will no longer be an infant but will start your journey through toddlerhood.
Tomorrow I will tell you I love you one more time than I did today.

That will make infinity plus one.