Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Toy Tips

I've been asked by a few friends how we do toys.  I am not gonna lie.  I have a strong (all be it's less strong since actually becoming a mother) opinion on toys and which ones we want Gentry to play with.  I have been able to use my minor in Child Development as well as 3 years experience as a preschool teacher to help us make decisions for our family.  I stress the "our family" part.  This is what has worked for ours and I am in no way knocking the way you manage yours.  I do hope to help someone who needs some guidance. Here goes my top 5 guide to toys.

1. Limit Electronic Toys

We are in the digital age.  Our kiddos don't have to be.  I love my i phone.  I love my blu ray and computer and there are times that Gentry has used all of them.  I have given Gentry my i phone and I have 3 apps on my phone just for her.  That being said.  I don't use electronics as a baby sitter.  It's a treat to get to call Elmo (or Meemo as she calls him).  She watches 3 or so shows a week and I use the term watch loosely.  Most of the time if she has my phone it's to listen to her playlist on i tunes.  I also limit the talking toys.  She has her fair share but I wanted to make sure if it was electronic that it was teaching her something and not just making noise to be appealing to buy.  In fact I've taken back a few electronic toys because I didn't see the point.  It's hard to find toys that don't flash and make noise for infants.  I looked at it this way, my child is seeing the world for the first time.  That should be stimulation enough.  I don't need to put something artificial in her line of vision for her to be content.

Favorite Electronic Toy: My Pal Scout
I love that it says her name.  I love that you can use your computer to change the songs.  She first learned Patty Cake from Scout.  I like that you can put in her favorite food and color and I love the lullaby music.  He is in her crib every night to sing her to sleep.

Least Favorite: Bright Starts Phone
There is really no point.  It's plush. You can barely hear it.  What do you do when the battery runs out?

2.  Less is More

I hate to see when a kid has so many toys they are overwhelmed and don't appreciate them.  Right now I rotate most of Gentry's toys.  I always make sure she has access to dolls, blocks and cars.  Bigger toys like her "home" center and ball pit are rotated out.   It's nice because she forgets about them so when I bring it out again it's like new again!  I use the rotation of toys the same way a parent would use the TV to get something done without a little person at your heels.  I put toys in her closet or for her smaller toys I use old wipe boxes to hold them.  She is old enough now that she brings me a box that she wants opened.  This way the toys aren't just all in a bucket.  She has a box of finger puppets, 2 sets of blocks, tea set, doll accessories and balls.  Seriously.  She has a few other toys that tend to stay in the closet more than out because they are electronic.  Right now her favorite toy is an old box.  In a few days that will go in the trash.  I also clean out plastic bottles and tubs for her to play with before they are recycled or thrown away.  They tend to be favorites.  She can spend a whole morning sitting in a box and moving her blocks from one tub to another.

3.  Cars and Dolls

Girls should play with cars.  Boys should play with dolls.  I get so much joy seeing my kid go back and forth from making car noises while rolling them on the coffee table to patting and kissing her baby.  It's important for kids to play.  Dads, playing with dolls and dressing up will not make your son gay.  But it will make them loving and caring people.  The End.  

Favorite Doll: Ruben's Barn Baby
 Gentry loves her Erik!  This doll is 100% washable, weighted and is adorable.  They are also anatomically correct.  Just a warning!  I will say my kid never wants him dressed so Erik is usually in all his glory.  I have yet to have a kid giggle or ask me what's that when they see Erik.  Adults on the other hand...

Favorite Car: Wheelies
I can't get enough of Gentry's car noises.  I just love to hear her revving the engine...where do they get this stuff.

4.  Stay away from Characters

It's not that I don't want my kid to know about Disney Princesses or Doc McStuffins.  I just don't want her to live by them.  When I buy toys I intend for most of them to be used by subsequent, yet to be gendered, kids.  For that reason I want to stay away from character hand me downs.  So no bedsheets, clothes or toys with a certain character whom may be unrecognizable to the next kid.  I am sure she will get some for Christmas and Birthday but I won't be a contributor.  That being said.  If she wants to dress up like a princess.  I won't stop her.  If she wants to be a cowgirl.  I won't stop her.  Even if your kid is all about Mickey Mouse or Cinderella please, please, please, I am begging you, do not stock up your kid's library with character books.  They are made to sell and usually don't have an age appropriate story line attached to it.  There are so many great books.  Leave Cinderella on the screen.  

5.  Put it Away for a Rainy Day

I learned this awesome tip from hours of baby sitting as a teenager.  One of my regular moms told me if the kids were bored (it was a rainy day) to grab a toy from the secret stash.  This mom wouldn't let her kids open all of their toys at their birthday parties and at Christmas time.  She would put them away and get one out on random days.  The kids were usually so overwhelmed with all the toys anyway that they didn't even notice that some were missing and they were totally pumped when a new toy was brought out.  I've already started this trend with Gentry.  It has also come in handy because some toys are just a fly by night fad.  If you don't open it, take it back and get a more classic toy that can be used for multiple kids.  

Bonus Tip:  Throw it Away, Put it Away, Give it Away

If it's broken beyond fixing.  Throw it away.  Don't keep it in the toy box junking it up.  (exception to this is if it's almost fully skinned puppy dog, ask my brother)  If your child has out grown it but a sibling may use it.  Pack it away.  I have already packed away some toys.  I try and put toys away by age.  If you don't want your current or future children to have it, give it away.  Think, Mc Donald's toys.  Pack them up and ask if your child's teacher wants them for BINGO prizes.  (your kid may get it back but just stick it back in the give away pile when they aren't looking ;)  Thanksgiving is the perfect time to talk about being thankful for all we have and doing a great big clean out of toys to give to your local charity.  That way you are ready for more toys.  

I know I didn't talk about specific toys too much.  If you have questions on a toy just ask.  I've done a ton of research.  I already have a majority of Gentry's wish list for Christmas all ready (mostly because i am cheap and need to budget).  I hope this helps give you a direction to go when you are walking down the toy aisle!