Thursday, August 15, 2013

5 Toy Tips

I've been asked by a few friends how we do toys.  I am not gonna lie.  I have a strong (all be it's less strong since actually becoming a mother) opinion on toys and which ones we want Gentry to play with.  I have been able to use my minor in Child Development as well as 3 years experience as a preschool teacher to help us make decisions for our family.  I stress the "our family" part.  This is what has worked for ours and I am in no way knocking the way you manage yours.  I do hope to help someone who needs some guidance. Here goes my top 5 guide to toys.

1. Limit Electronic Toys

We are in the digital age.  Our kiddos don't have to be.  I love my i phone.  I love my blu ray and computer and there are times that Gentry has used all of them.  I have given Gentry my i phone and I have 3 apps on my phone just for her.  That being said.  I don't use electronics as a baby sitter.  It's a treat to get to call Elmo (or Meemo as she calls him).  She watches 3 or so shows a week and I use the term watch loosely.  Most of the time if she has my phone it's to listen to her playlist on i tunes.  I also limit the talking toys.  She has her fair share but I wanted to make sure if it was electronic that it was teaching her something and not just making noise to be appealing to buy.  In fact I've taken back a few electronic toys because I didn't see the point.  It's hard to find toys that don't flash and make noise for infants.  I looked at it this way, my child is seeing the world for the first time.  That should be stimulation enough.  I don't need to put something artificial in her line of vision for her to be content.

Favorite Electronic Toy: My Pal Scout
I love that it says her name.  I love that you can use your computer to change the songs.  She first learned Patty Cake from Scout.  I like that you can put in her favorite food and color and I love the lullaby music.  He is in her crib every night to sing her to sleep.

Least Favorite: Bright Starts Phone
There is really no point.  It's plush. You can barely hear it.  What do you do when the battery runs out?

2.  Less is More

I hate to see when a kid has so many toys they are overwhelmed and don't appreciate them.  Right now I rotate most of Gentry's toys.  I always make sure she has access to dolls, blocks and cars.  Bigger toys like her "home" center and ball pit are rotated out.   It's nice because she forgets about them so when I bring it out again it's like new again!  I use the rotation of toys the same way a parent would use the TV to get something done without a little person at your heels.  I put toys in her closet or for her smaller toys I use old wipe boxes to hold them.  She is old enough now that she brings me a box that she wants opened.  This way the toys aren't just all in a bucket.  She has a box of finger puppets, 2 sets of blocks, tea set, doll accessories and balls.  Seriously.  She has a few other toys that tend to stay in the closet more than out because they are electronic.  Right now her favorite toy is an old box.  In a few days that will go in the trash.  I also clean out plastic bottles and tubs for her to play with before they are recycled or thrown away.  They tend to be favorites.  She can spend a whole morning sitting in a box and moving her blocks from one tub to another.

3.  Cars and Dolls

Girls should play with cars.  Boys should play with dolls.  I get so much joy seeing my kid go back and forth from making car noises while rolling them on the coffee table to patting and kissing her baby.  It's important for kids to play.  Dads, playing with dolls and dressing up will not make your son gay.  But it will make them loving and caring people.  The End.  

Favorite Doll: Ruben's Barn Baby
 Gentry loves her Erik!  This doll is 100% washable, weighted and is adorable.  They are also anatomically correct.  Just a warning!  I will say my kid never wants him dressed so Erik is usually in all his glory.  I have yet to have a kid giggle or ask me what's that when they see Erik.  Adults on the other hand...

Favorite Car: Wheelies
I can't get enough of Gentry's car noises.  I just love to hear her revving the engine...where do they get this stuff.

4.  Stay away from Characters

It's not that I don't want my kid to know about Disney Princesses or Doc McStuffins.  I just don't want her to live by them.  When I buy toys I intend for most of them to be used by subsequent, yet to be gendered, kids.  For that reason I want to stay away from character hand me downs.  So no bedsheets, clothes or toys with a certain character whom may be unrecognizable to the next kid.  I am sure she will get some for Christmas and Birthday but I won't be a contributor.  That being said.  If she wants to dress up like a princess.  I won't stop her.  If she wants to be a cowgirl.  I won't stop her.  Even if your kid is all about Mickey Mouse or Cinderella please, please, please, I am begging you, do not stock up your kid's library with character books.  They are made to sell and usually don't have an age appropriate story line attached to it.  There are so many great books.  Leave Cinderella on the screen.  

5.  Put it Away for a Rainy Day

I learned this awesome tip from hours of baby sitting as a teenager.  One of my regular moms told me if the kids were bored (it was a rainy day) to grab a toy from the secret stash.  This mom wouldn't let her kids open all of their toys at their birthday parties and at Christmas time.  She would put them away and get one out on random days.  The kids were usually so overwhelmed with all the toys anyway that they didn't even notice that some were missing and they were totally pumped when a new toy was brought out.  I've already started this trend with Gentry.  It has also come in handy because some toys are just a fly by night fad.  If you don't open it, take it back and get a more classic toy that can be used for multiple kids.  

Bonus Tip:  Throw it Away, Put it Away, Give it Away

If it's broken beyond fixing.  Throw it away.  Don't keep it in the toy box junking it up.  (exception to this is if it's almost fully skinned puppy dog, ask my brother)  If your child has out grown it but a sibling may use it.  Pack it away.  I have already packed away some toys.  I try and put toys away by age.  If you don't want your current or future children to have it, give it away.  Think, Mc Donald's toys.  Pack them up and ask if your child's teacher wants them for BINGO prizes.  (your kid may get it back but just stick it back in the give away pile when they aren't looking ;)  Thanksgiving is the perfect time to talk about being thankful for all we have and doing a great big clean out of toys to give to your local charity.  That way you are ready for more toys.  

I know I didn't talk about specific toys too much.  If you have questions on a toy just ask.  I've done a ton of research.  I already have a majority of Gentry's wish list for Christmas all ready (mostly because i am cheap and need to budget).  I hope this helps give you a direction to go when you are walking down the toy aisle!  

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

On the Eve of One

Dear Gentry,

For the last 365 nights I've have nursed you and put you to bed. Over the last 365 nights, the routine has morphed, the bed time slowly got earlier and earlier as you began to sleep through the night, the pajamas got bigger and bigger as you grew at your own pace, and your crib has gotten lower and lower as you have become more adventurous but one thing hasn't changed. I scoop you up from nursing you in our bed, I kiss you on your sweet little head and whisper, "Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, and most importantly God loves you."  Then I say a silent prayer of Thanksgiving as I walk from our bedroom to yours.    

Tonight's routine was ever so slightly different.

Tonight I put you to bed as an 11 month, 4 week old.  

Tonight I put you to bed in your clothes because birthdays are exhausting!  
Tonight you went to bed without a fuss and without your pacifier.  
Tonight I noticed your feet have grown and your hair has grown in what seems to be only in the time I put you in bed a few hours ago.
Tonight you smiled at me in your sleep as I took these pictures with a blinding flash.
Tonight I can't seem to stop checking in on you, in fear that I won't be able to recognize you in the morning.


Tomorrow you will wake up a 1 year old.
Tomorrow our routine will still be the same.
Tomorrow I will give you a cup of almond milk for the first time. 
Tomorrow you will no longer be an infant but will start your journey through toddlerhood.
Tomorrow I will tell you I love you one more time than I did today.

That will make infinity plus one.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Month 11


Where has the year gone?  On April 28, 2012 I was celebrating the life inside my belly with friends and family at my Perritte Baby Shower and this year you've used almost everything I received that day!  What a difference a year makes!

This month has been fun and a little frustrating.  You are on the move and you don't stop moving unless you are asleep.  Hence a little frustration.  My days are spent moving things faster than you can get them.  Gone are the days I just fold clothes once or being able to use the coffee table for anything!  You like to cruise everywhere and you can walk from the couch to the coffee table.  

Your awesome sense of humor out weighs any frustrations I've had.  You are down right funny!  You sing all day long, click your tongue and blow raspberries just to make me laugh.  We had a guest preacher a few weeks ago and during his sermon you spent the whole time looking at him and giving loud kisses his way.  I am sure the DS felt very welcome :)  

You have also learned so much this month!  You can point out someone's eyes, nose and mouth on command.  You can point at lights on command as well as turn them on and off.  You've known how to say and wave bye for a while but now you can blow a kiss.  You can do the signs to Patty Cake and Row, Row, Row Your Boat.  You say bye bye to the water at the end of the bath and you spend your bath time "swimming" and splashing.  You are a very smart girl and know the meaning of the word "no" and you also look straight at me with a big smile and sometimes still do something I said "no" to.  

I cannot wait to celebrate your first year with friends and family!  It takes a village to raise a child and I love and appreciate the village that's helped me raise you!  You are so perfect for us!

We love you so very much,


Weight: Next weigh in is at her 1yr old check up!
Length: same

Head: Same
Eating: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and 4-6 nursings a day.  Eating mostly table food. 
Bedtime: 8:30 PM
Rise: 6:30 AM
Naps: 45 min morning nap around 10.  2-4 Nap (that's what we are hoping for anyway!)
Diapers: We love our cloth diapers!  Size 2 at night.
Clothes: 6-9 month clothing
-Favorites: push toy, O Ball, hair brush and books!
Latest tricks: Patty Cake, Points at eyes, mouth and nose on command, points at light on command, has 8 teeth!
it's not all smiles!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Month 10


Weight: Next weigh in is at her 1yr old check up!
Length: same

Head: Same
Eating: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and 4-6 nursings a day.  Eating mostly table food. 
Bedtime: 8:30 PM
Rise: 6:30 AM
Naps: 45 min morning nap around 10.  1-3 Nap (that's what we are hoping for anyway!)
Diapers: We love our cloth diapers!  Size 2 at night.
Clothes: 6-9 month clothing
-Favorites: books, little people and easter eggs
Latest tricks: stands alone for a second, understands the word no, inspects everyone's teeth, dances and sings.

Friday, March 1, 2013

9 months

Baby Girl,  

I want to cry!  I cannot believe you are 9 months old!  Where has the time gone???  I can barely remember from month to month what all you have done and learned because it's so much!  I just want to slow it down just a little!  It's getting harder and harder to watch you grow up and out of clothes and toys.  The only thing that makes me not crawl in a hole and cry is that there is hope that one day we will give you a sibling and mommy another baby :)  

Let's see...we left off with our trip to Children's which you can read about here.  Your blood work did come back with a few questions.  The Doc at Children's doesn't seem concerned but when we go for your 9 month check up I am going to ask Dr. Davis about it.  Other than that you are still a very healthy girl.  I thank God for that!  For being a healthy girl you sure have racked up the medical bills.  I am sure we will have them paid off in time for you to go to college :)

This month you are doing so many new things!  You've started pulling up but you aren't very confident about it.  Once your up though you can navigate our wrap around couch and even make the few steps back and forth between the couch and coffee table.  Mom and Dad are learning to really clean up our piles because if we don't you make sure to sweep it all off the coffee table.  You are master of waving good bye.  If you aren't shy you even say it!  You are also learning high five and that each nose makes a unique noise.  You like to check everyone's nose "noise" by tapping their noses.  You even make a noise if we tap yours.  It's so stinking cute!  

I can't even name all the food you can eat anymore.  You have now tried salmon and chicken.  You eat EVERYTHING we give you.  Tonight you ate cilantro and couldn't get enough!  Everything I tell you!  It's funny because you still like to eat baby food too!  Its handy for me when we are out and about.  If we are eating out, you pretty much eat off of my plate which is my new diet plan.  We still haven't tried any red meats and it may be a while because we really don't eat much of that at home.  And lets face it.  Diapers change after red meat!  

Just this week I have started to ween you down to 4 breast feedings a day.  You have tolerated it pretty well.  If you act like you want to nurse I still let you, I just don't offer it because of the clock.  The last 2 weeks I have and still have a milk blister.  It hurts!  I just have to wait until it pops!  I hope it happens soon because I think it's clogging a milk duct...which hurts even more!  

Finally, this month you have really started with the facial expressions!  You are a funny girl and you know it!  You started mimicking your friend Sarah and her "freeze" face.  You have this nose crinkle smile thing you do when you KNOW you are funny.  You have this flirty face for certain men in your life. You give open mouth kisses to anyone who wants one.  I love seeing you be happy.  It's all any parent wants for their kid!

I love you with all of my heart.

Your Mom 

Weight: 18 lbs.  Not sure I believe this one.  She wouldn't stop moving on the scale.  2 lb jump...hmm.
Length: 25.9 inches.  No growth.  We have to watch this one...kidneys may be in question...again...

Head: 18.2  Every time I think of Chandler on Friends, " Big head. Big head. Big head."
Eating: As of Feb 25: 7AM Nurse, 9AM Breakfast, 11AM Nurse, 12 Lunch, 3PM Nurse, 6 PM Dinner, 8 PM Nurse  Forget that mess.  I nurse when she wants me to.  IT could be 4 times or up to 6 times.  
Bedtime: 8:30
Rise:7 AM
Naps: 45 min morning nap around 10.  1-3 Nap (that's what we are hoping for anyway!)
Diapers: We love our cloth diapers!  Size 2 at night.
Clothes: 3-6 month clothes and 6-9.  I just pulled out the 6-9 month clothes 2/25
Favorites: Valentine's taggie blanket from Lolli and Pops, Balls, Easter Eggs, 
Latest tricks: waving bye bye, saying bye bye, high five, showing the number one, touching noses, taking all the toys out of her box, "crawling" by using her feet and hands to drag herself, pulling up, cruising, eating trash, finding outlets to gnaw on!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Our Trip to Children's

6 month old G
When Gentry turned 6 months old and we went to her appointment and the Doc decided that we should do a little blood work to check on the the pebble sized cyst on her forehead.  (It feels like a pebble too)  Well fast forward to a month of blood draws and heel pricks and at the end of December Dr. Davis decided to err on the side of caution and have Gentry see a Nephrologist (Kidney Doc, think Dr. House)  to check out some funky stuff in her blood.  

showing off her bump above her eyebrow
The appointment was this last Thursday at Children's in Dallas with Dr. Raymond Quigley.  My Mom (Lolli), Dad (Pops), Gentry and I headed to Children's for our 12:30 appointment at 11:00 AM.  Prior to her appointment I had received 2 calls and a piece of mail confirming her appointment and giving information about the visit which was very handy!  They only allow 2 adults per kid because it's flu season so my Dad stayed in the Lobby while we went to B5.  This hospital is huge and very cheerful!  My mom and I were impressed with all the friendly faces and fun details like beads in the lights and fun art.  We were escorted to the B elevator which was far, far away.  I brought the Moby wrap which came in handy!  

We did the normal wait in a small sitting area with only 2 other families and I filled out a ton of paper work.  Everyone was very chipper.  

We were called back and Gentry got stripped, weighed, measured, cuffed, scanned  and a urine bag taped to her.  There was a big mirror in there so it didn't take long before she noticed the pretty baby and started chatting with her. Or should I say squealing at the top of her lungs.

 We were then taken to a room to wait for her to fill the bag.  It didn't take long!  I was afraid we would be there FOREVER!  Then Dr. Quigley came in to say we have a healthy kid and that the lab work was incorrect...3 different times....WAHOO!  Just to be sure we went down to the labs there to have one more vial of blood taken.  I still haven't heard back but I figure no news is good news.  Interestingly, the phlebotomist said that they should have never done heel pricks on a kid 6 months and older and that was how they took her blood the last 2 tests at home!  This only confirms that if anything else major happens we are bookin' it to Dallas!  It helped that everyone was so kid friendly!  It only took 1 second for the phlebotomist to get Gentry stuck verses the hour of sticks it took to start all this mess!  So all in all we got good news.  News I was honestly expecting because Gentry is so healthy.  

As we were making the long walk back to the Lobby to leave all I could think about was that as happy as this place looked there were a lot of families not receiving good news.  We might of even passed a few kids with a terminal diagnosis.  Some may have even been having one of the worst days of their lives.  But we never passed an unhappy face.  Everyone was smiling.  They had chubby, no doubt swollen from medication, smiling, faces.  Hairless smiling faces.  In that moment I thanked God for my healthy girl, lifted up my friends, some having been at the same hospital that week, with children who do have chronic and possibly life threatening diseases,  God's comfort to those hurting and finally blessing to the men and women who work at Children's hospital!  And out the door and on with our lives we went.

 Thank you guys for praying and thinking of us on Thursday!  We had a great experience and great outcome.  We even celebrated by going to the Perot museum.   Gentry had a blast!  

Monday, January 28, 2013

Month 8

Baby Girl,

Another month has passed and you are still growing and changing and amazing your parents!  It's hard to think back a whole month and remember all the new and fun things you have done!  Let's see, you celebrated your first new year by staying up passed midnight and then NOT sleeping in the next morning!  I guess you are ready to see what 2013 has in store for you.  You spent most of January hanging out with your boys.  Mommy is watching two boys during the week, Andrew and Hayden.  This month you and Hayden spend a few hours on Wednesdays just checking each other out.  He is 2 weeks younger than you and all boy.  He tries to use you as a jungle gym or tries to eat your face.  Both of which you do not appreciate.  You try to get back at him by taking his pacifier.  We see Andrew at least 2 days a week.  He is 3 and a half months younger than you but is about the same size as you.  He has just started rolling over and you love to take his toys away.  It is going to be so much fun to watch you interact more and more with these guys.  

It's amazing how much you have changed on the eating front.  In one month you've gone from a few purees to eating finger foods.  You still love the occasional puree but for the most part you feed your self.  It's very messy but you love it!  We think you may be allergic to strawberries.  You ate them and then broke out and now we can't get rid of the eczema.  We haven't started any meats yet.  We are going to wait until we meet with the kidney doctor on February 7th.  

When it comes to eating you are super advanced.  When it comes to moving on the other hand, you are content with rolling around.  You have no desire to get up on your hands and knees.  You get where you want to go by rolling and even with rolling you don't go very far.  For now I am not complaining because you are still where I leave you and I don't have to worry too much about you getting into anything!  That being said, you are a paper eater and you can find paper almost magically!  Maybe that's why you eat so well!  You've practiced with paper.  It's pretty funny when people at church think you are lighting up when you see them but it's actually the church bulletin in your hand that excites you!  

Waiting for Daddy
This weekend the Hanke 3 went to Lufkin to celebrate Daddy's 28th birthday.  We had such a good time just spending time as a family which is rare because of work schedules.  We got Daddy some running shoes ate lunch and shopped.  Then last night Carl and I went on our first alone date since the night before I went into labor!  It was nothing special but was nice to just be the two of us for a few hours.  It was almost like a first date!  Last night was also your first night to be without mom!  It was the first time I didn't feed you dinner!  You spent her evening with the Kahldens so it wasn't much of a stretch for you since we are at their house at least 2 times a week.  I heard you had a good time and Drew was a big help.  Telling you that he is your big brother and making your pallet for you to take a nap on.  So sweet!  

Today, January 28th, Carl is 28 and you are 8 months old!  Pretty Special!  We love you so very much!  

Your Mama and Dada.

Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz
Length: 25.9 inches

Head: 17.91 inches
Eating: 7AM, Breakfast, 10AM, Lunch (sometimes), 1PM, 4PM, Dinner,  8PM 
Bedtime: 8:30
Rise: 6 AM
Naps: cat napper.  Whenever. Wherever.  However long.
Diapers: We love our cloth diapers!  Size 2 at night.
Clothes: 3-6 month clothes.  
Favorites: Still your vanity but you've been loving dolls lately.  Mom's i phone and Fisher Price apps.  Fresh Beat Band
Latest tricks: pulling up and reaching into your toy box, pincer grasp, pointing and swiping i phone!

Medical Note:  Kidney Dr. appt in Dallas on Feb 7th

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cloth Diapering

Every woman who dreams of becoming a mother someday makes a mental list of all the things they will do, ways they will parent and how they will generally be the BEST MOM EVER!  

My very long list included cloth diapering.  

I was met with a lot of "Yeah rights", "We'll see how long THAT will last." and "Gross".  

But I was determined.  My reasons for cloth diapering in no particular order:

I forgot how big those diapers started out looking!
1. Cost
2. Environmental Impact
3. Potty Training
4. Bum Wellness

I will say I have eaten my pre-parenting words on more than one occasion!  But the two things I am most proud to say is that I am still breastfeeding and still cloth diapering!  If I don't do anything else in Gentry's first year of life at least I got her intake and outtake down!  Here is how we are doing it.  

What I Bought 

I let the fleece hang out so she wont get a mark from the elastic.
The first step is to buy diapers.  This is the only product you will actually NEED.  Everything after that is just for convenience.  The up front cost for cloth is pricey but it more than makes up for it in the end.  A friend of mine was 2 months ahead of me in her pregnancy and she also decided on cloth.  She planned on using Fuzi Bunz Elite and after doing my own research I decided that worked best for us as well.  The Elite diaper is a one size diaper, pocket diaper that costs $20.00 a pop.  That means the same diaper will fit your child from newborn to toddler.  The pocket means that you have to put a piece of cloth in between the waterproof layer and the fleece layer of the diaper.  Fuzi Bunz come with extra elastic (that is what makes it possible to fit some many sizes) and 2 minky cloth pads.  When your child gets older you may need to put both pads to more absorbent.

This is what I have:

12 Fuzi Bunz   (227.40)
4   Fuzi Bunz  (gifted) (80.00)
1  Awesome owl cloth diaper (gifted, homemade) (priceless)
4  Hemp Inserts (10.00)  They are very absorbant
12 flannel wipes (made by my mom) (15.00)
1  Travel Wet/Dry Bag ($11.00)
1  Hanging Diaper Bag ($15.00)
1 Diaper Sprayer (gifted) (50.00)
1 Rockin' Green Laundry Soap (12.00)

My out of pocket costs:  375.00 
If I had to buy it all:  510.00

So far Gentry does not wear cloth when she goes to bed at night.  We were gifted so many disposable diapers (or sposies) that I put her in them at night.  I have bought 3 packs of diapers since she was born because of diaper rashes which have nothing to do with her in cloth and everything to do with what we are now discovering is her high acidity levels.  Diaper rash cream will lower the absorbency of your cloth diapers so I would recommend using sposies until you are rash free.  However any normal kid should not get a rash while in cloth.  We have a crazy amount of diapers and I would say 12 is more than enough.  8 is doable.  

How We Diaper

I waited until Gentry was 6 weeks old before I put her in cloth.  Again, we were gifted a ton of newborn diapers and I wanted to wait for her belly button to fall off before I started with cloth diapering.  When she wakes up in the morning, I change her into her first cloth diaper of the day.  I wipe off any diaper rash cream or ointment with a disposable wipe.  I snap up the cloth diaper and we do our thing.  

Tinkle only:  I change her like you would a disposable and put the dirty diaper in the hanging diaper pail.  If we are out and about I have a small wet/dry bag in my baby bag and I put the diaper in there.  I can count on one hand how many times she has leaked.  It happened more when she was smaller and the diaper was gappy.  Any other time it was my fault for not changing her at a reasonable time.

Poop:  If she doesn't surprise me, I get a flannel wipe ready by putting it under warm water.  I open up the diaper and wipe with the flannel and change her like you would a normal diaper.  The difference is that I take the poopy diaper into the guest bath and toss it in the toilet.  If it's a little "sticky" I use the diaper sprayer to get the stuck pieces out.  Then I roll up the diaper and take it to the wet/dry bag.  If she surprises me I just use a disposable wipe and throw it in the trash.  If we are on the go I just clean her up and put all wipes and poopy diaper in the travel wet/dry bag and when I get home I take care of it.  Sounds kinda gross but it really takes no real extra time.  Before she was eating solids, I would just toss the diaper in diaper pail without doing anything because I breastfed.  If I had formula fed I would have to use the diaper sprayer to get the poop out.  By the way, I've never had a blow out in a cloth diaper.  

Every 3 days or when we are running low on diapers, which ever comes first, I toss them in the wash.  I shake out the cloth wipes and pull the cloth pads out of the pockets as I am loading the diapers into the wash.  Every other time or so I toss in the wet/dry bags as well.  I wash on hot and rinse cold and usually use my homemade laundry detergent, the same one I use for all of our clothes.  If for some reason I feel like they are extra smelly I add a tablespoon of Rockin' Green Laundry Soap.  I bought a pack of it in September and still have more than half of it left.  Sometimes I let them soak for 10 minutes or so.  If she pooped a lot then I may run the diapers through 2X.  After they run I do the smell check as I am tossing them into the dryer on low or stacking them to hang them out on the line.  The sun has natural bleaching powers and it makes the diapers smell so good.  That being said we have never really had any problems getting stains out! 

Once the diapers are dry I usually sit in front of the TV and stuff them all at once and put them in her room.  There are times that they sit in a pile on her diaper changing table and I stuff them as I change her.  There have EVEN been a few times that we pluck them one by one out of the dryer as needed ;).  That's it!  That is how hard it is to cloth diaper. 

 Not. Hard. At. All.  

You can do it too!  If you have any questions about cloth diapering please don't hesitate to send me a message or leave a comment.  I love cloth diapering and I want others to love it too!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Month 7

Weight: No weigh in this month
Length: Not this month

Head: No idea.
Eating: 7AM, Breakfast, 10AM, Lunch, 1PM, 4PM, Dinner,  8PM 
Bedtime: 8:30 (although this varies drastically)
Rise: 6 AM
Naps: cat napper.  Whenever. Wherever.  However long.
Diapers: We love our cloth diapers!  Size 2 at night.
Clothes: 3-6 month clothes.  
Favorites: Your Santa gift, A little Vanity!
Latest tricks: Sitting up and eating anything!

Medical Note:  After 2 more blood checks Gentry has been referred to a Pediatric Nephrology (Kidney) Doctor.  We will keep the blog updated when we know more.