Friday, January 9, 2009

Bit by the Baby Bug

This is not new! I've been bitten before. (Say that three times fast!) Like when I was 4! I've wanted babies as long as I can remember. I was the child still playing with dolls long after all my friends had discovered the telephone. I know this is what I am supposed to do. God created me to be a mom.

That being said...Carl and I are not ready to be parents!

I know right now my baby bites are just a desire for the future. I want to be pregnant when I can fully enjoy every moment without worrying that we can't afford the health care. I want to act like we can't afford to give our child whatever he or she wants but I don't want to actually not be able to afford whatever my child wants. I want to be able to raise my child in an environmentally friendly home (WE ARE NOT READY FOR THIS ONE BUT WE ARE WORKING TOWARDS THIS). I want my husband to be able to be a "real life" adult for a while without having to be a daddy! I want to announce to my husband that we are having a baby "I Love Lucy" style not waving the pee stick in front of his face yelling "Now what in the hell are we going to do!?!?!?"

It must sound like the baby bug hasn't bitten me at all! But it has. I really want to get my body ready so that when my husband and I decide that the timing is as right for us as it's ever going to be I will be as healthy as I can be for a growing baby. We are also taking measures now to prepare our home to be more green for our offspring. I dream about what our babies will look like. I dream about the new traditions we will start as a family. I even dream about how I will discipline our children! All in due time. All in due time.

In the mean time....

I have Andrew!

And I can't get enough!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Here are highlights of my last week in picture!

I did laundry.

I saw old friends! I can't wait to see Lauren a lot more often (wink, wink)!

I saw new friends. (These pretty girls belong to Clint and Amber Smith)

We ate lemons! (Andrew loves lemons)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Nine Goals for 09

1. Watch My Husband Graduate.

2. Pay off all debts and save more!

3. Be more GREEN! (Recycle, use less throw aways, change my cleaning habits)

4. Find more fulfulling work.

5. Give more to my church. (in the way of service and tithing)

6. Work on being less selfish and a more compassionate friend.

7. Have a serious discussion with my husband about babies!

8. Work on getting more in touch with family. (the Hankes and the DeFords)

9. Declutter.