Friday, August 28, 2009

Top Ten: Preschool

I did it.

I completed my first week as a teacher to an awesome group of 1.5-2 year olds. Thank God it was only 3 days long. That being said, I really can't wait to go back to work on Monday and I REALLY can't wait to see how much these little ones grow over the next 9 months.

That being said here are my Top 10 observations on Preschool:

1. Sticky is a permanent feeling.

2. Parents please think again about putting jelly on your kid's sandwich! It doesn't make it in your child's belly! It does, however, make it on the walls, tables, chairs, toys, floor, clothes, hair, etc. Now imagine 12 kids with jelly! That's 24 sticky hands!

3. Nap time does not equal teacher break. Nap time = wipe tables, disinfect toys, wipe down changing table, sweep floors, empty sippy cups, put art work in folders, pat backs, rock children, eat lunch, potty (for the ONLY time in the day), set out next round of diapers, etc.

4. If your kids come home dirty it means we did our job. Your child played HARD!

5. When your child starts having Bowel Movements that represent a full grown man's, it's time to start potty training.

6. No your child does not NEED their pacifier as much as you need them to need it.

7. All 2 year olds are like the characters on "Jackass". They will try ANYTHING!

8. Snot comes in all sorts of colors...even ones you wouldn't expect.

9. Hair bows don't stay in.

10. The "David" books are can give a teacher 5 minutes of sanity.