Month 2 Update
Dear Miss Gentry,
Another month has passed and it was even better than the last! I imagine that will happen again and a again for a while! This month was full of fun. You traveled to Dallas and Houston to see friends and family. In Dallas, you met your future boyfriend, Rhett! You slept and he seemed more interested in his Sophie Giraffe. It's cool. Yall have plenty of time to get to know each other! Your little personality is really starting to pop out. I love, love, love getting you from your crib in the morning. I say "good morning, G" and you give me a giant smile with your eyes closed and give me a little dance! It's the best. You give me a ton of smiles through out the day. Sometimes I think you are practicing to be a dramatic actor because you love going from pouty face to smiley face and back and forth. You surprised me one morning when you crawled over your Boppy and were laying next to it when I returned from the kitchen. I thought I would be able to leave you alone a little longer but NO! I guess we will be leaving you on the floor from now on. You had your first holiday this month. The 4th of July didn't disappoint. We went to watch fireworks with Drew and Sarah. You and Sarah matched. I foresee a lot of that in the future because it's just so darn cute! We love you so very much and we thank God every day that he trusts us to be your parents.
Weight: 10.25 lbs (22nd percentile)
Length: 23 in (84th percentile)
Head: 15.7in (95th percentile)
Eating: 7AM, 10AM, 1PM, 4PM, 7PM and 10PM (give or take an hr) 1st feed is a bottle of bmilk. 4oz.
Bedtime: 10:30
Rise: 6:30-7:00
Naps: 8-10 AM and 2-4 PM and a cat nap around 9PM
Diapers: You wear your Fuzi Bunz cloth diapers so well! Size 1 at night but only until we run out of our gifted diapers.
Clothes: 0-3 They fit well length wise but are baggy. Still in NB shorts
Favorites: Your Little Lamb Swing, Fans (on or off), Your dog Scout and anyone who talks to you.
Latest tricks: You can climb over your boppy! You smile all the time!
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